Research Areas
eDNA dynamics and applications - Environmental DNA, in its simplest sense, is DNA extracted from any type of environmental sample (e.g. soil, water, air, etc.), without isolation of a particular organism. Combined with modern genetic tools, eDNA offers a non-invasive means to identify species or communities associated with the environment from which the DNA was extracted. Since its emergence as a reliable tool for conservation and invasion biology, eDNA has become a key research focus for many academic researchers, private companies and government agencies.
Despite the high interest in eDNA research, there are still many gaps in our knowledge of how eDNA behaves and functions. Our lab focuses on understanding the ecological dynamics (e.g. state, fate and transport) of eDNA in aquatic and terrestrial environments within Hong and the surrounding area, which looks to assist collaborative efforts in establishing eDNA as an effective research and monitoring tool.
Community and trophic dynamics - Communities include a wide range of mutualistic, antagonistic and predatory interactions, which are naturally impacted by climate change. Assessing the effects of biotic interactions is difficult to observe in nature due to the limited time species interact with each other compared to the time needed to observe each interaction. DNA based tools offer a way to identify trace remains of DNA fragments left behind that can provide insights into trophic and community interactions. Networks provide important information regarding the generality of community dynamics and provide insights into large-scale patterns but are traditionally limited to visually identified data. Combined with large scale forensic eDNA ecological data the eDNA and environmental ecology group looks address gaps in our understanding of trophic interactions and their subsequent link to environmental sustainability and human health.
Conservation and biodiversity assessment - A major challenge for the 21st century is ensuring natural resources are well managed for current and future generations. Increased awareness of the negative impacts of human interactions, paired with continued technological development and budgetary constraints, calls for a practical reassessment of how we implement environmental regulation and the strengthening of links between assessment methods and underlying ecological principles. Traditional biomonitoring protocols rely heavily on identification of organisms by skilled analysts and can be time and resource intensive if a centralized identification database is not used to cross reference variants. Alternatively, utilizing a molecular based sampling and taxonomic assignment protocol that relies on a centralized taxon database and computer assignment may allow for a standardized biomonitoring protocol as well as furthering the scope and depth of the indicator groups used to associate pollution or environmental perturbation, thereby allowing finer scale assessment of any environmental changes that have occurred at target sites. Such an approach is particularly critical for assessing and managing Hong Kong biodiversity.
Ongoing and Completed Projects
Understanding dark diversity
2024 - present
URC seed funded; Coordinators - Mathew & Prof. Alice Hughes (external)
Provision of Services for Conducting Night Fisheries Resources Surveys
2024 - present
AFCD funded; Co-coordinators - Thomas & Baian (PhD)
Establishing eDNA based methods for biological assessment monitoring in Hong Kong
2023 - present
Co-coordinators - Cheng Qian (PhD)
Cheng Qian passed his qualifying exam (2024)
Environmental DNA assessment of Hong Kong freshwater biodiversity
2023 - present
RGC funded; Co-coordinators - Yan, Aleeza (PhD), Chummy
Collaborators: Lingnan University, South China Agricultural University
Hong Kong Chironomidae biodiversity: an initial assessment of the largest freshwater insect group and their link with ecologically important stream conservation
2023 - present
ECF funded; Co-coordinators - Dr. Han Wu & Elaine (Mphil)
Elaine passed her qualifying exam (2024)
Collaborators: Jinan University, Shanghai Ocean University
Diversity, Evolution, Biogeography and Conservation of Croaker and Drum
2022 - present
Co-coordinators - Baian (PhD)
Baian passed his qualifying exam (2024)
MEEF funded (eDNA & Hong Kong spawning activity chapters)
Ecological and biodiversity assessments of ticks from wildlife seizures and urban environments
2022 - present
Co-coordinators - Taneisha (PhD)
Taneisha passed her qualifying exam (2023)
Barrett et al. (2025) Species and genetic diversity of ectoparasites originating from wildlife trade seizures - near submission
Using eDNA for Hong Kong marine conservation efforts and biodiversity assessment
2022 - present
MCEF funded; Coordinator - Mat
The First International Workshop on Environmental DNA (eDNA)
2023 (Finished)
Croucher Foundation Limited funded; Coordinator - Mat
Collaborators - eDNA workshop committee and organizers. See associated publication for full committee list.
Assessing temporal dynamics of community eDNA across an environmental gradient
2023 - 2024 (Finished)
URC Seed funded; Co-coordinator - Vivy
Zhewei et al. (2025) Marine biodiversity changes in response to anthropogenic influences over time revealed using eDNA - near submission